Top 10 Things to do with a Broken Kiev
By Kapusta Smazka

* * * * * #10 * * * * *

Make classy classic camera bookends. The factory stock economy model is mounted on unfinished wood, while the ultra-premium, extra-troublesome Studio Master model is mounted on marble.

* * * * * #9 * * * * *

Turn your Kiev into a magnificient pounding tool, just add a handle. Pounding capability proven on the Mir spacestation by Soviet cosmonauts.

* * * * * #8 * * * * *

Turn the Kiev bodies into anchors for surf boards.

* * * * * #7 * * * * *

Sell the Kiev bodies as ballast to hot-air balloon operators.

* * * * * #6 * * * * *

Sell the Kiev bodies as weights to be inserted into useless and illegal devices, such as cable TV receiver/descramblers. Besides, it looks better than bricks!

* * * * * #5 * * * * *

Carry Kiev cameras in diaper bags to make great self defense weapons.

* * * * * #4 * * * * *

Use as insect repellants.

* * * * * #3 * * * * *

Open up a chain of Kiev Roach Motels: Coat the interior--especially the gearwork--with a sticky substance to permanently trap cockroaches. They check-in but never check out!

* * * * * #2 * * * * *

Convert film magazines into walnut grinders.

Drum roll please...

* * * * * #1 * * * * *

Use as a planter: Remove the mirror assembly, insert SuperSoil and plant, and voila! The Kiev body has excellent "drainage"--once you remove the duct tape.


Originally posted on the Kiev Report forums by Kapusta Smazka on June 15, 2000.